CMHA hosts events throughout the summer to celebrate LGBTQ+ community members

Although pride month has ended, talks that focus on respect and understanding will still carry on through CMHA as they partner with MetroHealth. These educational meetings bring the needs of the LGBTQI+ community to light and offer insight to employees and residents alike. Anyone seeking a deeper understanding of sexuality, pronouns, gender expression or gender identity is encouraged to attend these conversations and ask questions.  

MetroHealth and CMHA offer a safe space for everyone to express themselves and ask challenging questions. Sometimes, biases and assumptions can create roadblocks that make it hard to understand these concepts clearly, and the main goal of these conversations is to guide participants as they explore and learn. Studies show that being more open-minded has a positive impact, and those within the LGBTQI+ community are at less risk when they are seen for who they are.  

More information pertaining to equality and human rights can be found online on Equality Ohio’s website, or in person at the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland’s office.